Hello, my friends. These are some of the readings that I want to enjoy this weekend. As an artist, I always hope to learn from other artists. As a comic fan, I really enjoy the great authors. In this photo you can see works by Jordi Bernet, the classic Creepy, the fabulous Kick-Ass by Millar and Romita Jr., and The Veil, work of two friends: El Torres and Gaby Hernandez. And believe me, The Veil is so good I bought two copies. If you are in, you ought to take a good look. Worthwhile.
I remember when I designed Mool character I thought I'd draw it as a translucent being, without shadows or reflections. The original idea was that he was feeding off the shadows of his victims, and so, gradually, he would be turning dark and massive (in this page Mool has swollen the shadow from the Priest of the Dark Order, so you can see little black spots on him). Today this would have been easy to do with computer effects, but at the time was more complicated. Just try to draw something without substance...
...great voice! From Mool. A priest of the dark order conjures the God spirit through the gem of blood. I used the graphic appeal of the runes around the priest to indicate that his words were not those of mere mortals. Aesthetics, again, derived from my vision of Dark City. Great movie, indeed!
This is one of my favorite pages from whole Mool series. In fact, it's the fourth page of the first chapter, and I was very excited to translate graphically many of the ideas I had in mind about this character. I remember that at that time I saw the film Dark City, by Alex Proyas, and I was very surprised and admired by its aesthetics (and for the great soundtrack too!). So probably part of the paraphernalia of this temple can come from my admiration for that film.
"Your time is precious! The day still has 24 hours but from now on you'll have more extra time due to the power of the totally new Super Black India Ink, that makes inking easier". Great!
Another page from Mool, where I take the opportunity to expand the silhouette of the protagonist, created by using lines and shadows, creating a contrast between the first shot of the character based on solid shades of black.
Want to buy an original piece with your favourite character? You can ask for what you really want and I will draw it (pencil, ink, grey tones) and deliver it to you approximately three to four weeks after the order is done.The artwork size will be 8.2" x 11.7" or 11" x 17" and the price will depend on how many figures and background you'll ask for, as well as the technique. But don't hesitate to ask for it... I'm pretty sure you'll be amazed!