I am just drawing an illustration for all the friends at 2000 AD Forums. As you can suppose, it's about Judge Dredd. Unfortunately I have not had enough time to finish it today, so by now I'm posting an old submission (circa 1996) to wish all of you a Very Very Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Drokk it!
I am just drawing an illustration for all the friends at 2000 AD Forums. As you can suppose, it's about Judge Dredd. Unfortunately I have not had enough time to finish it today, so by now I'm posting an old submission (circa 1996) to wish all of you a Very Very Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Unsuccessful Xperiments

Before I was deciding the style that finally I used, I did several tests to form Alan Moore's Hypothetical Lizard magic universe.
From the beginning I left the idea of using simple black & white art and I was getting excited about using textures and volumes.
This experiment was realized completely to pencil.
The result was hot, but I was not feeling portrayed the world of the hypothetical lizard.
Now, you are the first ones in seeing these examples. Not even my editor in Avatar knew of them.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Stars and stripes
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Call him Dodo
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Cimmerian's joke
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
In a dark world

Proposal for Mool's one-shot cover. You have seen several pages of this series. And I am sure that you will see some more, 'cos it's one of my favorite works in a storytelling way.
In this sketch I wanted to show the duality of the character: the weak human being who holds the gem of blood which encloses inside the powerful and cruel god of shadows.
I did the same offer with a very few rudimentary colors as guide for a professional colourist, but I am not able to locate it.
Probably because it remains secret ... in the shadows.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Fangs & virgins

"Many elaborate rituals were used to identify a vampire. One method of finding a vampire's grave involved leading a virgin boy through a graveyard or church grounds on a virgin stallion — the horse would supposedly balk at the grave in question..."
Another pencil illustration for a vampire's book.
Abandon All Good Taste, Ye Who Enter Herein!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
...But seriously
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Welcome to house of dolls
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Are you talkin' to me?

That's right.
This is the sketch of the Thing and Dr Doom's trading card that was used as illustration for the envelopes of the Marvel Origins collection.
I have found some of these sketches and believe that it is interesting to show them to compare with the final result.
Ben Grimm is saying the old DeNiro's motto: are you talking to me?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Blood in the snow

Another old illustration (1995). In this time, Weapon X.
I was amazed with the work realized by Barry W. Smith in the miniseries WX and this one was my recreation of the wildest wolverine.
At that time I was obsessed by every small detail of the drawing, and maybe this illus is so recharged, overloaded, with so little things, making it only clear in a great printing size.
Though I think that it's a powerful image of a small mutant in the middle of a great snowfall!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Look into his soul

This one is a cover for comics magazine. The character is Plague, protagonist of Mortualia (you've seen a couple of posts about him).
The forced first shot of the gun cannon is due to one thing: the magazine was including a CD, and the circle of the cannon had to coincide with the size of that CD.
I didn't like the idea, but I do like this illustration.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wild Summer

Sorry, sorry, sorry: I've been so busy in the latter days. But I have just found some time to search in old folders and I've been able to locate drawings of my very early days as an artist.
This one is Cerebus's illustration that I drew for the Spanish edition of Conan the barbarian.
It was used to announce the launch of a summer special.
A wild one... of course.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Calling all spirits -UPDATE- STATUS: SOLD

Finished Hellboy's pin up.
At last, the fan who asked for a comm on the great red monkey prefers a more "heroic" illustration in the Mignola way, as I said in the previous post, and that's what he'll have. But I consider this drawing interesting enough to finish it and show it.
I am not in the habit of showing the paid commissions. When someone asks for a comm, the drawing belongs to him, who pays it, and no one else.
But in this case I can show it here (and in my gallery at the Comic Art Fans) because it does not have an owner and is ready for sale.
If you are interested in it, you can contact any time with me.
Even through the ouija board.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hell-Work in progress

Someone asked me about Hellboy's comm. After some sketches, I thought that it would be a good idea to show the main characters in a not-so-usual form. We all are accustomed seeing the great red monkey and his companions in heroic attitude fighting against monsters.
This one is my version of the hero: contacting with the world of the spirits in an very old fashion way.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Un- & -finished

Sketch and definitive drawing for a Cerebus' fan edition in Spanish.
I felt not very convincing the monsters in the rough, so I decided to change the approach of the illustration and realize a more powerful presentation of the Aardvark just as a clone of Conan.
The drawing is made in ink and a bit of digital retouch.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Marvel Origins Trading Cards For Sale (I)

Hi, my friends: this is the first time I'm selling my original artwork. I'm gonna start selling the pencils destined to the Marvel Origins Trading Cards.
The price for every drawing is 65$ (shipping and handling not included).
Payment can be done with the paypal account you can see in this site or bank transfer (if you decide to do this last one, please ask for bank account).
This is not an auction. It is a fixed price for each page.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Mirror, mirror

Another old pencil illustration for a sexy vampires' monographic from Sal Quartuccio Prod.
I am very satisfied of several details of this drawing: the texture of the trousers, the sheen of the wash-basin and, especially, the game of the reflection in the mirror, where she meets reflected only where there is blood.
An old work.
As old as the vampires...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Who are you? Who, who, who, who?

The House Without Clocks is a place of prostitution. Each resident has a peculiar characteristic or ability, such as vibrating of voice to induce pain or pleasure, imitating a corpse, and changing facial features to resemble anyone. All may come in handy in such a house.
For me, as an artist, it was a whole challenge to grant physical presence to these fictitious and charismatic characters.
These are the designs for two of them: Book and Foral Yatt.
If you don't know them, why just don't take a look to the books? You can still find them at http://tinyurl.com/5gz3h3
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Why so... potato?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Let's make a deal...

One of few calm pages of the Ghost Wolf series.
A dialog scene between our Hero and the bad guy, which rotates ultimately for the betrayal of the shaded and sinister servant of The Widow.
The following page of the series might be entitled "red death under a white moon"...
No explanation.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Some merchandising
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Blood and ink

In this page of the series Sage it is possible to estimate better on what I was saying in the last post.
For the character of Slam-Kath I used a manual plot consisted of hurried stripes. It was the bad guy of the history, so this style was giving idea of the unstable and coldness of his personality.
On the other hand, for the hero, Sage, and his father,Koryo, I preferred to use a harder and confirmed --almost photographic-- lighting, because in this way I could reinforce the idea of strengthness and seriousness of the characters.
A black and white offers a limited number of graphical resources, and it is necessary to know how to take advantage of them to the maximum.
Monday, August 25, 2008
From the dead

This one is the very first page of Sage, my own Sword and Sorcery character, edited by Planeta-DeAgostini in Spain and South America.
It was a very nice project, since my brother (author of the script) and I were trying to create a kind of hispanic Conan in a remote Spain.
We read a lot about History and made our own world, based on ancient deities and existing places.
In this time I was studying Luis García's art (not to confuse with another great Spanish artist: Jose Luis García López). And for this project I tried to use some of the resources used by him, as shadings based on manual plots and more expressive spots.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The brave and the bald

This is a simple cartoon that I did about my brother Grego and me.
My brother has been the scriptwriter of many of my comics, and in this particular drawing I wanted to represent not a scene of Heroic Fantasy like many people wanted to see, but our creative process of work: discussion, discussion and discussion.
My brother always was asking me to draw what he wanted in the way he felt it and I really was drawing what I wanted in the way I felt it.
Though in some occasion I respected his criterion.
Especially when he was coming from the gym...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tales from the outyard

Splash-page that was finishing the first chapter of the Ghost Wolf's second plot arch.
Here appears the character of "The Widow". A malignant and dangerous figure with a big magic sword, always surrounded by small creatures like the flies surround a corpse in decomposition.
But The Widow smells just a little better.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Presence of the Ghost
Sunday, August 17, 2008
In the air tonight

This illustration (actually a single panel of a page) was used in my portfolio as advertising image of the series in wich I was working on. I did some T-shirts as well, and they were great!
For me this is the essence of the character. Ghost Wolf is a majestic, atmospheric and terrifying presence more than a real person. If you are the good guy, you can consider yourself lucky enough of feeling his presence, but if you are of the bad guys...
Well, I hope you know some prayers before he --real or not-- approaches up to you.
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Wake up with the Devil...

Just a couple of Mortualia's pages. In fact, the same page in b/w and in color.
As I already said, the publisher asked me to imitate somehow Romita Jr. style, thinking that the european public would be more interested for the comic. During the whole first chapter I tried to respect this decision, but in the second one I showed a bit different style that I thought the history needed.
At least, which I needed to feel comfortable.
Monday, August 11, 2008
My girlfriend, my monster and me

Can't you feel it? We are again in the time machine with some old stuff!
Conan's wraparound cover for a Spanish magazine. If you can see the signature, you will verify that it is a drawing realized in 1997!
It´s the classic composition: monster, girl and hero, where I added a black wizard in a second plane.
A quick sketch to pencil before inking.
It reminds me Earl Norem's classic covers --which I loved by the time-- for the barbarian collection.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
All over the city

That's what happens when you work for a publisher without scruples.
Last week I was informed by one of you --thanks Jeffrey-- that my erotic series, Dusty Trail, had been published in USA (in a mag called Art X) and Norway without my permission. And receiving no money for that. So, if you can tell me where have seen my job published, I'll be very grateful.
Let's jump all over the city now!
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